Any Questions?
MKB stands for Mama Knows Best. It is a village within an app, designed to strengthen and expand the community of belivers in healthy matchmaking.
A mama is any woman who helps singles find The One & knows her ways in the MKB village
MKB is for anyone who sees herself as a mama. Whether you’re a mom, sister, aunt or friend - this space is. for you; it is your chance to be the matchmaker you’ve always known you were. Mama Knows Best is a matchmaking platform where like-minded women help singles in their lives find The One.
Yes you do. Put yourself in another's shoes, we would want to know if someone bragged about us to someone else. Getting their permission is a must. Consent is sexy.
1. Create your matchmaker profile: This is your own Mama profile within the MKB Village. 2. Create a single's profile: This is the profile of the single(s) you seek to match 3. View potential match profiles: Your MKB feed will start filling with profiles of relevant matches for your single(s) 4. Approve: See someone that draws you mom's Intuition? Hit the YES button 5. We need two yesses to declair a match. Only when the other Mama says YES can we send as text with a link to both singles; that's how the intro is made. Now it’s up to them to make it happen.
Click the YES button
Both matchmakers must say YES for us to call it a match. When you first say YES - The other Mama gets notified - She then can view your singles' profile and can decide whether she'd like to reply with a Yes or not.
On this beta version of the app, you can open profiles for up to two singles, in the future you'll be able to open more profiles.
Just click on your singles photo in the menu > go to his/her profile page, scroll down to the bottom to the Delete Profile button and you're done.
Sure! Go to the menu (the icon located on the upper left side) > click the profile's picture you wish to view.
Matchmaking does take time. Stay active, patient and playful. We are happy to offer some tips if you you feel like you could use some suppoty. Join our facebook community. We can talk there.
Click othe MaMas button at the bottom of the page.
Absolutely. We are here at: Or on facebook messenger
You are always welcome to edit the profiles you've created. Change photos or update text. Just click the pics on the menu > go to profile page and press the EDIT link on the upper right.
Of course! That's caring. Look for the SHARE icon on the right corner of a profile photo you wish to share.
Yes, you can click the MaMas button at the bottom. Then on the search icon.
You bet. Ask him about swipe fatigue? It’s the byproduct of singles’ inundation of dating apps. Ask him to make up his mind after he gets three profiles...But feel free to follow his wish. You can always look for another single to match..
Thats fine. Let's see which Mama gets the first match.
If both matchmakers said yes, it’s a match! Singles receive a text match message with a link to view profiles. If they want to give it a try, they can click it. Now it’s up to them to make it happen! Remember that it starts with you! Come join MKB’s village to meet, match and have a ridiculously fun time! Happy matching!
Join our community of matchmakers!

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let the matching begin!